Folded dimensions (with propellers, battery, and camera included): 22"x13.7''x9" (55cm x 34cm x 22cm) – backpackable
Unfolded dimensions (with propellers folded): 39”x43”x22” (100cm x 110cm x 56cm)
Maximum payload weight: 33 pounds (15 kg)
Takeoff weight without payload: 33 pounds (15 kg)
Maximum takeoff weight (including 33 pounds of payloads): 66 pounds (30 kg)
Payload mounts
Four gimbaled payloads mounted simultaneously
360-degree field of view for every payload bay
Flight time
56 minutes (without payload)
46 minutes carrying a Phase One P3 of 5.7 lbs
Concealed landing gear
Completely hidden in flight and storage
Deployment time
Under 1 minute
AI Computational power
Using Nvidia SOM’s up to 105 TOPS, capable of running sophisticated AI algorithms at the edge for four payloads simultaneously
Hardware and data security
NDAA compliance
Obstacle avoidance
360 degrees, effective in all weather conditions: during the day, at night, in smoke, rain, and dust
Control range
7 miles (11 km)
Wind tolerance
31 mph (14 m/s). Force 6 on Beaufort Scale
Smart battery: 44.4V, 29400 mAh
VianSight dual camera, including Sony FCB-EV9500 and FLIR Boson
M61 (Sony A7R4) on Gremsy gimbal (total weight: 1.9 lb/900 grams)
Phase One P3
Velodyne Lidar Puck
RIEGL Lidars
Arrowing multispectral A7R4
Micasense cameras
Corona cameras
Loud speakers, lighting, SAR kits, etc